
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 31.10.2020

14,50 € *

lieferbar innerhalb von 3-4 Werktagen Auf den Merkzettel

A collection, in which, the author traces the compulsion to make literature. In a selection of interviews, as well as in the essay 'The Red Notebook' itself, he reflects upon his own work, on the need to break down the boundary between living and writing, and on the use of certain genre ...


  • Erscheinungsdatum: 28.02.2005

14,50 € *

lieferbar innerhalb von 3-4 Werktagen Auf den Merkzettel

After the critical triumph of "Conversations With Friends", the youngest ever recipient of the PFD/"Sunday Times" Young Writer of the Year Award presents in "Normal People" a love story taking place between two students at Trinity College in Dublin who are from the same town but essentially ...


  • Erscheinungsdatum: 02.05.2019

12,50 € *

lieferbar innerhalb von 3-4 Werktagen Auf den Merkzettel


  • Erscheinungsdatum: 04.03.2021

12,50 € *

lieferbar innerhalb von 3-4 Werktagen Auf den Merkzettel

Del Mar (1919-1994), a distinguished conductor and musicologist, was recognised as one of the greatest authorities on the orchestra in his lifetime. This book presents the study of orchestral practice.


  • Erscheinungsdatum: 19.12.2014

43,50 € *

lieferbar innerhalb von 14 Tagen, Print on Demand Auf den Merkzettel